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Dodano: 23 GRUDNIA 2012

poranna kawa i zaraz dzień jest lepszy




zolowe Jakie kolorowe bąbelki w kawie.. Któż by przypuszczał!
A swoją drogą kawa jest bleeeee... ; D

23/12/2012 21:31:30
k0stusia kawa jest pyszna ! tylko trzeba umieć zrobić :D
25/12/2012 20:43:12
zolowe Może i tak, ale tak jak u koleżanki misssiaaa, u mnie też powoduje senność xD
26/12/2012 0:30:54

misssiaaa kawusia pomaga czasami :d chociaz u mnie powoduje senność :D
25/12/2012 13:57:09
k0stusia dziwna jesteś ;D
25/12/2012 20:47:13

tomcizz No wchodze nonstop.... no zajebiste Ci powiem
24/12/2012 22:34:20
k0stusia ale co? :D
25/12/2012 20:46:34

tomcizz Wesołych i Udanych Świąt Kasiu :*
24/12/2012 11:20:08
k0stusia a dziękuję i wzajemnie :))
25/12/2012 20:44:16

magjula świetnie wygląda
25/12/2012 18:26:36
damned Kawunia <3
25/12/2012 14:13:28
mshiraii fajne :)
24/12/2012 14:50:06
ragot święta prawda Kochana... :)
^Wesołych Świąt Ci życzę :*
24/12/2012 13:56:26
~PUXdstlgdOH Ben, sorry. Your long history of white male pireilvge is totally blinding you here.Note I said here' as in, this discussion is not progressing because you seem unable to understand the way your pireilvge enables you to deny that dismissing a female scholar's arguments as hysterical screeching' is unproductive and a sexist technique. By all means, disagree with Dines' arguments, but apply some analytical skills to the rebuttal, don't just sling (deeply gendered) insults. And I didn't come to it from a single tweet. I came to it from having been in the midst of an ongoing debate' in which Ben's position was entirely that I was an outrage for joining a critique of a word used by another writer. Juzzy had already conceded the point when Ben joined the discussion. Why he felt so compelled to berate me and others for what is a pretty straightforward and well-rehearsed feminist critique, I cannot say with certainty, but pireilvge' certainly jumped out as one reason why.Whether I've met him is irrelevant and you know it. His writing is everywhere so of course I've read some of it. I have no firm views on Pobjie's writing I wish him well with it, and understand he's very popular. By all reports, he's also a very nice guy. I didn't have the opportunity to see that as he hurled abuse at me last night, unfortunately, but that doesn't mean he's not still actually a nice guy who got upset and behav
24/12/2012 9:54:38
rei91 kawa tylko z przymusu ;p nie lubię jej smaku ^^
24/12/2012 0:42:14
michasink fajne kolorki ;)
23/12/2012 19:52:48
sylwinaa92 nie lubię kawy :D
23/12/2012 14:53:08
idzpodpraaad mniam ;)
23/12/2012 14:25:35