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Dodano: 15 GRUDNIA 2012

moja najkochańsza Królewna




~zeIkYZjDtJ Wow, this is in every reepsct what I needed to know.
24/12/2012 21:24:44
~zkIEvUrji Kudos to you! I hadn't thouhgt of that!
24/12/2012 21:05:35
~DvSPqOtoFjJg That's really thinking of the hihgset order
24/12/2012 16:54:08
zapiszjako Kliknij ''FAJNE'' :)
15/12/2012 19:37:24
~vdeqRDIBGcsqFNcopSb In awe of that aswner! Really cool!
22/12/2012 14:08:02
~lJSonfKEbPUCqdp All of these artlices have saved me a lot of headaches.
22/12/2012 14:08:03
~TAQIVKPnGvZHwnep Please teach the rest of these inetrent hooligans how to write and research!
22/12/2012 14:08:46
~ShZFsXmcSzqWIcYISt This shows real expertise. Thanks for the asnewr.
24/12/2012 15:27:21

sylvia2314 piękność *.*
15/12/2012 20:35:43
~fPHgAFQh Begun, the great internet educaiotn has.
21/12/2012 22:06:49
~HlGYHtsOfjqOumDEH Thanky Thanky for all this good ifonrmatoin!
24/12/2012 13:04:46

xaishx slodki
15/12/2012 18:21:52
~QlCbFUcKYwHoAzTe An intelligent point of view, well epxresesd! Thanks!
22/12/2012 23:44:23
~fxsFmNZPuiBBUwQHNd That's a sharp way of thniking about it.
24/12/2012 12:02:15

~sabina1904 Świetne;)
15/12/2012 20:26:41
~GeVFCPAKEIjNLTgxo Tip top stuff. I'll excpet more now.
22/12/2012 0:49:30
~thjPYmlATs Super jazzed about gteintg that know-how.
24/12/2012 11:55:24

~yyqeavXlkWURW That's a smart answer to a dfificlut question.
24/12/2012 11:33:56
sylvia2314 nie ma w moim życiu takiej osoby, faktyczna jedna może, ale takie spojrzenia obleśnych facetów nie jest przyjemne.. ;/
15/12/2012 20:57:08
~vkocGQHyBfpOKWQP Thank you for the educated kinendss. I'm not a pit owner, not even a dog owner currently, but I HATE what idiot owners have done to these innocents.
22/12/2012 19:25:16
k0stusia I don't understand yours ideas but let it be
22/12/2012 19:29:43
~CfhZlsPbsaSxy Thank you for this beautiful artlcie and photos. I am so saddened by places like Denver that bans pit bulls, even the well trained service dogs. It's shockingly narrow minded and just so wrong.
24/12/2012 10:52:52

~QUZaYsPx I told my grandmother how you hleepd. She said, "bake them a cake!"
22/12/2012 20:31:57
k0stusia i don't need your help sorry ;D
22/12/2012 20:36:51

~dzwRPUtFdzaPLiixd IMHO you've got the right aneswr!
22/12/2012 13:56:12
k0stusia wtf??
22/12/2012 15:38:01

~VVodagOammpG Heck of a job there, it asboluetly helps me out.
22/12/2012 14:08:18
~HNyHbaAfbJSFlkG A plesanigly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
22/12/2012 3:57:41
~YQxxAdcHi I don't even know what to say, this made things so much eiaser!
22/12/2012 0:49:52
rei91 też bym chciała takiego psiaka ^^
16/12/2012 1:37:24
k0stusia odwiedź najbliższe schronisko i przygarnij psie serce :)
16/12/2012 21:56:50

kredqa Swieta moze i bylyby fajne, gdybym miala Rodzine w komplecie...
16/12/2012 0:00:36
k0stusia w dzisiejszych czasach to już rzadkość
z podobnych powodów ja nie lubię świąt ;))
16/12/2012 21:54:41

mokiki o jaki pyszczorek kochany ! :)
pozdrawiam ! :)
16/12/2012 21:37:37
magjula piękna
16/12/2012 21:03:13
Junior ladyfuckyou ślicznie :) Zapraszam do polubienia mojego wpisu :)
16/12/2012 10:53:06
damned Jest śliczny <3
16/12/2012 10:27:31