Foto z moja...
Aj nasza wczorajsza sesyjka...
Pozniej te geje...Tak na 100% to byly geje
Nom a pozniej lukanie zza lawki zeby nie bylo ze ja debil czy co...
A dzisiaj..hmmm...ciekawe co sie boje
Ajc i dzisiaj mi sie jako smutno szkoda mi pewnego pana....esss
Dobra koncze...
I feel like I'm drifting through the sky
Through the heavens I can hear your voice I feel
Yeah everything that I want you to be
You give me all the strength I need
Cause baby I'm in free fall with you
Take me to a place where I can dream
So we can climb up above the clouds and feel
So free
And as we fall I'll take your hand
Don't let me go, please understand now
Baby I'm in free fall with you