people always tell me, be careful what you do. always turn around every once in awhile to see whos following you.
never leave the house unlocked, lock all the windows, double lock the door, and double lock the gate.
when you see somebody or a group of men walking on the opposite end of the road, dont be obvious and try to get to the other side of the sidewalk, try to avoid them as much as possible. make no eye contact and pretend you dont notice them
if youre being followed, NEVER run away, just walk as fast as you can.
so dont be telling me you know america, if you went to new york city, stayed in the hilton for a few weeks
then maybe you can educate me about american politics and how capitalism works since you learned so much during your stay? because obviously you staying here for a few weeks, you automatically know EVERYTHING there is to know about america. maybe you can tell me about income tax and how the wealthy benefit the most out of capitalist society.
or stayed in miami and the outrigger hotel or whatever
thats the life of the capitalist class, 1% of the damn american population
what about the other 99%? i mean sure the next down the line is the upper middle class 15%
that 16% gets to live in high school musical new york city miami california whateverthefuck dreamland they live in
but what about the REST??
what about the lower middle class, the working class?? the other 84% of the country
the people who arent in those big houses with big tvs and nice cars
who have kids to feed and a family they struggle to support and put food on the table for? do they tell you about how they live? what they have to go through to even stay alive?
to keep their kids out of trouble, away from violence and gangs??
my words of wisdom to you is if you plan on staying here, stay with the richest people you can find, its the safest way
if you plan on vacationing here, stay in your hilton, eat your 5 star fuckin dinner, whatever toursits do in this damn country
and if you do decide to live here, which is unwise unless youre a rich bastard, better keep in mind that the biggest side effect of american capitalism is class hatred, so better WATCH YOUR BACK NIGGA!!