Od autorki:
"Right now, I think Justin should take a break from all this. I think he should go back to Canada, spend some time with his family and friends and have some fun. He's been throught a lot lately, all these rumors, the break up, the paparazzi, it's all too much. I know it'd hurt if he leaves for a while, but we have to think about him, this is not healthy. We all know he is not in the happiest place right now. A break will be good for him, he would forget about everything, be normal for a few days and then he'll come back and we'll be here waiting, as always. I just want to see him happy again and right now. I think that is the only thing that would make him happy." - Pattie Mallette
Biedny Justin.. Tak mi go szkoda, Ci paparazzi nie mają chyba serca.. Jak można, pytam jak?! Tak bardzo bym chciała teraz przytulić Justina, ale wiadomo nie mogę, bo on mnie nawet nie zna... Jednak, gdybym mogła, przytuliłabym go mocno i pocieszyła, porozmawiałabym z nim i pozwoliła zapomnieć o tym wszystkim.. On musi teraz odpocząć i zyć jak normalny chłopak, jak ten, którym był nim skończył 15 lat...