I am this certain, I know about soul it, that somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time). Which (who) waits in spite of world, it loves and day wounds us to day, somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time). It waits us too porobiło, land (earth) hum , it desires body of human mass more and more, nobody has said us how (as) long, thread pulled life be for that sizes. Nobody has said us, when bow out (bid good-buy) mum < have >, and wait what mum < have > in order to reconcile again, lean shoulder to shoulder each other, native < give birth to (be born) > life < live >, live die. Please, it say aniela of (angels of) deaths me, you are indifferent relatively to we that, they are fairest for you young donation (victim), never they have made it but you treat it (them) as dogs. It see! What love in each person, one would like to survive not though century (age) semi < tail >, closest lat (summer; year) flies from many not one lack ziomów, reconcile with (from) heavily it, but nevertheless I and so. I am this certain, I know about soul it wgłębi, that somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time). it touches which (who) in spite of world, it loves and day wounds us to day, somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time). Somewhere far and very highly, where there ordinary mortal leg not stąpa where tranquility (peace), harmony and nature zew, where it hum can be heard trees and song birds, sunrise falls on face, it fulfills (perform) your soul, you have which (who) continuously, it seems that you know it affection (sentiment; emotion) already but, it is known none it. Though it was written and it is written too , so that we will face each other all, so, you will not be already < self-service store >. Very meet (face each other) people which (who) so love, though it flies not see still love not stop. Now you lie on back ( ) YO, you peer at blue sky, it touches heart heart it , does not have luck, does not have misfortune, nobody will irritate, it searches (find out) nobody, they float as river beside person with stream person, integrity to one on summit of (top of) mountain (top) jointed, mecca. I am this certain, I know about soul it wgłębi, that somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time). Which (who) in spite of world, it loves and day wounds us to day, somewhere on summit of (top of) mountain (top), we will face each other all case (together; time)
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