Lubie wielu ludzi ale nie wszystkich
Duzo potrafie wybaczyc ale nie wszystko
Szybko zapominam ale nie zawsze
Ci ktorych lubie wiedza o tym
Ci ktorych nie lubie to zauwaza
Dla prawdziwych przyjaciol moge przejsc przez
Wroga wskaze do piekla droge...
I hear voices in my head
They council me
They understand
They talk to me
You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith
I have a voice that is my savior
Hates to love and loves to hate
I have the voice that has the knowledge
And the power to rule your fate
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste the blood that's drying
I feel the tension rising