I dont have photos with you.. so i had to add this!!:D We didnt have time too take pictures of course^^ to much things to do :D I'm glad that we have at least one photo with you all (almost because Joss was taking this photo:D) from memorable afternoon in Vince's home:**
That was great week with you! Even if first day was not the best.. The rest was wonderrrrful! :) I'll never forget this times. Thank you for everythink I didnt think that it could be sooo nicee! Joss.. in your home i felt like in my own home! this hours in bathroom lol:D and ever everythingggg:) Your family is soo nice big thanks for them and youu:) BE COOL MA POULE!!! :D:* I miss this moments when I was eating breakfast and Joffrey was already wating in car for us^^ and then all go to school:) and this afternoons in Vince's, Joffrey's house and of course Kevin's behind home lol:D " i will bit you" :D ohh and we wont forget your smarrrrrrrrrt game CHIPS!! :D for sure^^ We love you all much <333 and waiting for you in vacations!!! We will waiting in the airport and when we'll see you.. PINK EYES!! :D now nobody here speaks french and we cant say : " don't speak frennnnchh!! we don't speak polish!" ^^
in summer we have to make another fight Kekette! loll do you wanna fight with me? :D
oh and for sure thank you for shopping with us!!^^ You were so nice waiting for us a lot of hours or fallow us I know that was boring for you :DDD
Kisses for frenchiesss! Especially Joss, Vince:*, Joffrey, Kekette :) and Kiki(learn more english to speak with uss!! ^^ ) , Mathhieu, Marlin of course too and all we know from France:D and for sure for all Beach Boys!! ^^
~siler Co jest war jacie dalej jesteś taka szalona i z adhd ale i tak nic sie nie zmieniłaś z twarzy nadal ładna hhehe fajne zdjęcie teraz są nowe teksty
~agogo very nice text jagoda.... :** I want to add something :P
Kekette .. don't fight with Jagoda :D and I want to tell you area near your home is great :D:D :***
Joss.. your eyes are so not pink :P be strong ... In summer your all eyes will be blue etc.
Joff... thanks for using your computer :D:D you are very good driver:P a had got scared a liitle bit when i went with you by car :] we were dead with Paulina behind in your car ... :DD
Vince... you know all ... I hope that you have seen my notice in your mirror :**
Jagoda... ty mrówo... pięknie wyszłaś tylko ja trochę jak burak :D ale ważne, że jest pamiątka :P
na wakacjach zrobimy lepszą sesyjkę i będzie co sQmciać loffam Cie :****
~karolinazhollywood Oh, Karolina w Hollywood
Z A?k? nigdy nie by?o tak samo
Ewelina zimna jak lód,
Wi?c na noc umówi?em si? z Al?
Wszystko móg?bym Izie da? - tak jak Oli,
Ale one wcale nie chcia?y bra?
Ma?gorzata - jeden grzech
A? onie?miela?a mnie
A Monika by?a okej