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Dodano: 13 STYCZNIA 2013

Going through difficult times

"Our dream, the desire that is in our soul, did not come out of nowhere. Someone placed it there. And that Someone, who is pure love and wants only our happiness, did so only because he also gave us the tools to realise our dreams and our desires.

When you are going through difficult times, remember: you may have lost some major battles, but you survived and you're still here. That is a victory. Show your happiness and celebrate your ability to go forward. (...)

Never miss an opportunity to show your love, especially to those close to you, because we are always at our most cautious with them, for fear of being hurt.

Love, because you will be the first to benefit. The world around you will reward you, even if, at first, you say to yourself: 'They don't understand my love.'

Love does not need to be understood. It needs only to be shown.







Drobnymi kroczkami znowu na kursie :)

Btw. Sesja is cominiing, aż mnie moje lenistwo boli ;(