"I don't wanna look at fashion magazines
While someone does my nails
Sitting here watching other people live
Frozen by the fear to fail
Cause, everyday there's a war to fight
And if I win or lose never mind
As long as you're my shelter every night
I used to cry against a wall
But now i've got a shoulder
That I can lean on
Swear to me you won't be gone
I'm ready for the goodtimes
I'm ready for the goodtimes
Ready to get it on
i'm ready for the goodtimes
I'm ready for the goodtimes
Now that I'm not alone"
Bardzo tęsknie za moimi skarbami:(
Kocham was...
Jestem z NIM bardzo bardzo szczęśliwa:) choć to takie świeżutkie...
Nie chcę by ktoś stracił wiarę. Wiesz że to do Ciebie
Buziole dla Endzi:P tez Cie kocham,
I dziękuje ze namówiłaś mnie na fotkę i pb:*
Good times:)