czarrrnamamba nie moje;]hydro..znasz mnie na tyle by wiedziec ze ja czegos takiego bym nie wymyslila:p a raczej nie ubralabym tego w slowa tak dobrzeee
O sobie: Hydrogen (Latin: hydrogenium, from Greek: hydro: water, genes: forming) is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol H and atomic number 1. At standard temperature and pressure it is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, univalent, highly flammable diatomic gas. Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It is present in water, all organic compounds (rare exceptions exist, like buckminsterfullerene) and in all living organisms. Hydrogen is able to react chemically with most other elements. Stars in their main sequence are overwhelmingly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state. The element is used in ammonia production, as a lifting gas, as an alternative fuel, and more recently as a power source of fuel cells.
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