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Wczoraj byla 18 Riley'ego
aw my heck, was SO much fun! 'she touches cheese'...'she touches his!?!?!?'
I sie troche zasiedzielismy and it was like 'Deven!, what times is it?' 'eee 12:30' '12:30, are you kidding me? I
had to be at home at 11! Perfecto!' 'Will you get in trouble?' 'Me?, I won't but you will!' 'yyy, ok let's go Bawnana
;p' Fun games were really fun, ekhm. Love them! Hug the Potholder!!! BaHahahahaahahah
And in DA house, on DA paper 'Hope you had really good time!
Paczki were delicious, sleep well! Love Ya Janet! <333
K O M O T E, K O M O T E . . .
Siema BawNaNa! Let's play games, FUN ones!
Zapraszamy na preference dance DZISIAJ!