FRIENDSHIPS that are special, true and real.
can never be broken apart.
for if separation be the case.
then it wasn`t a true FRIENDSHIP from the start
Real things are forever and.
there they stand firm and true.
it`s not what can be done for you.
it`s all about what it is that you can do
If in this FRIENDSHIP one person.
has a need of some special thing.
anyone claiming this FRIENDSHIP bond.
should freely seek to bring
Every and anything within their means.
that they possible can give.
realizing that love is an expression of actions.
with those who truly live
Nothing is sought in return.
the good deed is a reward in itself.
and therein lies the Glory.
that true friends know is Heavenly wealth
Deserving of the sincerest respect.
no need to ask of it for it`s rightfully due.
for respect is deep inside the Soul.
and should naturally come shining through
Sure, FRIENDSHIP will traverse.
rough terrain as time in Life comes about.
but, Higher Qualities are the Strength of Life
&.so Victory will come no doubt
Higher Elevation and Inner Perfection.
is the only individual goal.
all else is self-less, all being done.
for the benefit of everyones soul
I&f someone says that they are
&.someone elses friend
&.they must realize that true FRIENDSHIP is forever
&so this bond can never end
Push it to the edge that we may give.
and receive the most we can out of.
this thing called FRIENDSHIP that is Real.
only if it`s based on Truth and Love
Poem writen by Me xD