One day You will realise that the one person that reeally loves You
was the One that You hurted the most by giving her hope that one day She could be enough for You.
When You will realise that,
It will be too late to get her hopefully healed up heart back.
Girl,She really got You wrapped around her little finger but believe Me one day You will realise who She really is
and then You will be the one hurting.
I tried, I really did try to prevent You from hurting because of her.
wasnt the only one who tried to help You see who She really is,
but I guess it didnt work cause You still believe her.
Thats it,I quit,I'm moving on.
You treat Me like your toy
but guess what..I have feelings aswell and I have enough of being your Love Slave.
I hate Myself for loving You.
I regreat all the tears I cried over You.
But I know I cant make You love Me.
Just dont make Me suffer anymore.
Focia z Moją Najukochańszą Siostrzyczką hehe
Przynajmniej jeszcze Ty mi zostałaś
Kocham Cie <3