No i tak ... zbliza sie koniec Maja, poczatek Czerwcaaa :)
Matury ustne zdane ... prawo jazdy - a i owczem ^^
Od 1 czerwca praca ... i sielankaaa :)
I am finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone
Stay with me, this is what I need, please?
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
I am nothing now and it's been so long
Since I've heard A sound, the sound of my only hope
This time I will be listening....
Cos we mnie siedzi i niechce wyjscccc ... Makabro-masakraaa.... ;[
To co kiedyś bylo dla mnie priorytetem okazuje sie byc nieistotne...;(
Walcze ze swoimi myslami - demonami ktore tkwia w moim umysle, sa nieodlaczna czesccia mojej osoby ... ;/
Musze chyba dokonac metamorfozy swojego zycia...
This heart, it beats, beats for only you...
My heart is yours...
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)