dollyxxxm ee tam ale juz chce o nim zapomniec
no jasne ze jezdze ... brighton,horley,crawley redhill i wogole
w sumie fajnie byloby sie kiedys spotkac
lubie poznawac nwych ludzi ;D
dollyxxxm ja tez lubie ... tylko widzisz przez to ze tu mieszkam
stracilam chlopaka z ktorym bylam ponad 5lat ; d
wiec czasem chciala bym po prostu zostawic to
wszystko i wrocic do polski ; d
O sobie: sometimes i think; how it would be; if i didnt moved down here. now coz ive moved; i cant be with someone; i always wanted to be. but if i didnt moved; will he look at me the way he actually did now? this summer actually changed everything; theres somethin more than friendship between us; it feels like theres love in'makin. well i just hope that one day; he will understand how much i love him.. and we could get together; and stay that way forever..