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Dodano: 9 GRUDNIA 2007


Siedze tu. Mysle o nim. Spac nie moge.

If I ever... if I never...
Make me understand the thought whatever
Make me see... make me be...
Make me understand you're there for me!

Avoid infinity? Are you for real?

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
And the man at the back said - Everyone attack!

Psujace glowe piosenki r0x o.o

Anders Friden lovelove.

Im the best and fuck the rest.


kaatherinee Ajj tam ja kozacze ;d;d
10/12/2007 16:55:03
Użytkownik usunięty :*
09/12/2007 18:09:24
natka1988 Ładna foteczka :)pozdro
09/12/2007 15:18:55