Zajebista noc. Cały dzień spędzony z moimi :) Potem doszli do nas jeszcze D. i J. i było wchuj zejebiście ! Kupiliśmy po browarku i była mega impreza na świerzym powietrzu. Pominę to, że do domu wróciłam o 4.00 i moja mamuśka jest teraz na mnie cięta, ale chuj, będzie chociaz co wspominać xD Po prostu brak mi słów na ta niedzielę, rozpoczęłam ten weekend majowy baardzo fajnie i nie moge się doczekac co będzie dalej. kuźwa nawet jeszcze się maj nie zaczął :) xx
That terrible moment when your anger turns to tears.
If you didn't hear it with your own ears, then don't share it with your big mouth... :/
HOPE is the little voice you hear whisper 'maybe' when it seems the whole world is shouting 'NO', Always have hope, it's apart of life... ;)
Life is short to be anything but happy so kiss slow love deeply take chances never have regrets forget past but remember what it taught you.
Relationships are like fat people, most of them don't workout.
I'm tired of your sh*t. Go have your period in a shark tank, b*tch.
When life gives you lemons, just add vodka.
Never blame any day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience. Worst days give you a lesson.
A lot of guys are nice to girls when it's just them, but it takes a man to be nice to a girl around all his friends.
Don't waste your time looking back on what you've lost. Move on, because life is not meant to be traveled backwards.
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