Sixteen bars this ain't enough to put some ink to
So fuck it I'ma start right here I'll just be briefer,
If you only knew how much I hated you
For every mothafuckin thing you ever put us through
Then I wouldnt be standin here cryin over you booooooooo.
You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomache
Everytime I think of you I puke
You must just not knooow.
You may not think you do
But you do everytime I think of you I puke!
I'd rather let you see how much I fucking hate you in a freestyle
You're a fucking coke head dick I hope you fucking die
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye
I hate your fucking guts you fucking cunt I hope you die (diiiiiie)
But please don't get me wrong I'm not bitter I'm mad
It's not that I still love you its not 'cause I want you back
It's just that when I think of you it makes me wanna yack(yaaaaaack).