O sobie: Hello and sorry, guys, I don't exist.
I'm just an illusion.
I'm Dougie and I'm from McFLY! . We're from the UK and have been together for over 5 years, released 3 studio albums on Universal Records and are about to release our 4th and best album, Radio:ACTIVE.
I am totally a stranger here in London. For now I am still learning the polish language (yup, I'm half polish!). I really find it so complicated and difficult, but I am so much interested. Anybody here from Poland or anybody here knows how to speak polish language? Just want to know how many beautiful polish people are here...! That's why I got fbl, so add me, comment some, make contact and let's be firends!^^ haha, Thank you for comming.
Ten świat jest mały. Zaledwie kilka kartek papieru, parę stron zapisanych życiorysem. Trochę za krótkim... trochę za mało ciekawym. Bez podpisu w jakimkolwiek miejscu. Rzędy literek, czarnych na białym papierze, po między nimi człowiek siedzi, Siedzi i czyta, i głową kręci... a tam gdzie siedział papier jest mokry od łez i... przesiąknięty odrazą od liter, odrazą bo to tego człowieka papier, jego życiorys i jego życie ...
Czym się zajmuję: YUP! music, polish, lies,lies,lies... haha lol.
O moich zdjęciach: So far we've had 7 number ones, broke a few records, attempted to act and had some pretty awesome expereinces - but now are the most excited we have ever been as we enter the next chapter in our career.
At the start of 2008 we set up our own record label called Super Records, giving ourselves complete creative control over our band. So from now on, everything you see and hear comes straight from our brains to yours.