Chciałam napisać, że "kocham wspomnienia z tego cosplayu" ale to w sumie nieprawda. B-con (2009?) bardziej mnie rozczarował niż zrobił wrażenie i nawet biorąc pod uwagę, że wtedy po raz pierwszy zaczęłam się w to wszystko bawić, było tak sobie.
Co innego natomiast samo wspomnienie robienia tych zdjęć i wszystkiego innego związanego z tamtym rokiem.
Tak niesamowicie miło czasem o tym pomyśleć. I nie mogę nie żałować tego, że nasze epickie plany cosplayowe tak po prostu się rozleciały.
Czy ktoś będzie kiedyś znowu tak dobrze przy mnie wyglądał i wzajemnie ?! XD
-> A teraz uwaga, Twilight below @_@ I'm serious, man 8D
'Alice is sitting silently on the veranda, dangling her thin legs mindlessly as the cold, autumn wind escapes from tree crowns, winnowing her hair. Leaves swirl around her fragile frame in a curtain of golden and crimson, making her look almost like some sort of enchanted dryad, a magical being impossible to touch.
Impossible to reach.
This picture is astonishing, breathtaking.
'Alice.' he says then, and his voice - as melodious as ever - breaks something unspoken, something which has just a second ago felt like a sacred vow between the two of them.
When Alice finally looks at his flawless, handsome face, Jasper realizes that in this very moment she seems more distant than ever, that her oddly hollow face is judging him joylessly.
'What happened?' Jasper asks flatly, anxiousness evident. His hand reaches to touch her cold cheek, but before his palm manages to brush her soft, porcelain skin, Alice's gone.
'I saw you.' she answers from behind his back suddenly. I'm seeing you day after day, leaving me a thousand times. Forsaking me all alone in the darkness.'
He turns in horror, meeting her glassy, inattentive eyes.
'I would never leave you.' and those aren't just words, it's a confession of an immortal, a promise of the invincible being.
They hang in the thin air for few long seconds in which Alice seems to absorb their meaning, the absolute.
And then she smiles, sadly.'
Wyciągnęłam wnioski z ostatniej działalności pewnych ludzi i już nie będę się chyba tutaj dzielić swoimi planami .^.
No a szkoda, bo teraz niestety muszę wymyśleć inny sposób na znalezienie cosplayowego towarzystwa na B3 XD