Ok, nie wiem co to ale tutaj chyba nie mam nic lepszego hehe!
Fuck what you believe in, cause this is the end, trolololo. <3 Trochę umarłam, ale się pozbieram. Mam ochotę usunąć wszystkie zdjęcia z fotobloga, huh.
+ Nie, jednak nie chce poniedziałku.
Don't know what's going on, don't know what went wrong,
feels like a hundred years, I still can't believe you're gone,
so I'll stay up all night, with these bloodshot eyes,
while these walls surround me with the story of our life.
I feel so much better, now that you're gone forever,
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all,
I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now,
that you're gone forever.