Eighth December 2013 (Sunday)
Well, I think the winter came huh? It's cold. I don't like short, dark and cold days. You know what ?! I really like lying under a blanket and drink hot tea. Winter reminds me of Christmas. I want holidays but winter is the season when I feel the magic . I wonder how my Christmas will look like this year... Probably Kevin will be transmited as every year. It's a tradition, right? The first snow will fall. The snow is beautiful! But where is the snow now?! Haha. That's it ! Just like in the picture I and the Dominican Republic. Beautiful, young and crazy:D! My blog shows what I think, what I do and what happens in my life. If we're talking about my life, it's all right (I think). I can't wait Christmas, coca-cola advertisement with Santa Claus and the song'' getting closer to Christmas, holidays getting closer'' (probably he sang this song on his mind haha), gifts and holidays pleasantly spent with family. You know what?! I LOVE THIS DECEMBER! <33