She's a comic figure now
We read about it in the magazines
how she lived and died
Some say she was a saint
other say she was a whore
But in the end everybody cried
Won't you smile for the picture
While you die tonight
Beause the world is watching
You know the world is watching
It ain't personal, don't take it wrong
I'm just trying to do my job
I've got to get the picture in
The people have the right to know
Cause when you're down it makes them happy
Who cares if it costs a life
Won't you smile&
Lets send a prayer
Ten years have passed and nothing changed
We still finance all those criminals
Cause we love to see the blood
Won't you smile...
Lets send a prayer
Dla tej co nie umiem się złościć i bardzo ja lubie jako koleżankę .
Pozdrawiam Anie