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Mellow out
I thought I knew ya
Took the time to throw my lovin' into ya
Screw ya
Cuz now you got me sittin in the sewer
I'm through with all them roller coaster rides
See, I ain't forgot about the knots that you been tieing with my insides
I dropped my pride
Without you I was sure to die
I tried with cash
And all I could, to make it last
Now I accepted that was in the past
I know you love me

Loved me like a piece of trash

But at first you were so sweet
Couldn't go without seein your face for an hour

So sour
It all became a hassle
You were even living in my castle
Just to use me
And verbally abuse me
That's not the way I'm running my shop
It took a while to see the light before I stopped
And you got dropped off
It's over, probably I'll be sweating it
But in the long run you'll be the one regrettin' it

Maybe you won't, maybe you will
But baby, you're still about as real as a three dollar bill

No one to blame but you





myślę o rzeczach, o których w życiu nie myślałam,

o których w życiu nie myślałam, że będę myśleć





zaczynamy jako nieznajomi i tak samo kończymy

Dodane 21 SIERPNIA 2018 , exif