z Karoliną, moją małą wariatka :**
oglądanie horrorów, kupowanie wódki w bedronce i romantyczne posiłki ahh. my to mamy jazdy xD
i obie mamy fazę na tą nutę :
Look at my behavier
I can`t help myself
one feet before the other
I hope you didn`t notice
I`m fourteen days ahead of you
in my head you`re already mine
I hope I don`t seem
like the desperat kind
Sometimes I,melt I,
I don`t know where to put myself but I`m
not alone,cause right outside
there`s two people just falling in love
Some other time,some other place
maybe I`ll show you my real face
Sometimes I,melt I,
I don`t know where to put myself but I`m
not alone,cause right outside
there`s two people just falling in love.. <33
Kajetan :*