Wtf this shit happened again...
can't live anymore in this way.
It's gonna be like another guy in another day.
it's like you must say "hey" then turn around with a smile and go away.
i really don't know why this things happen and get so quick like that.
i realized i can like you. yes. in this way..
but can't stand your white lies never ever again..
and you can't feel smth. for real anyway..
so we should be happy?
we know those fev facts.
our "tiny people" inside of us just ran away,
they broke the chains,
leaving a milions of scars inside of our hearts.
there's still something beetwen of us and it's called past.
and something that we can't call in any of those ways
when we can leave our friends, just to sit for a little bit while....
we can hate,
but in the end can we really say it's ok?
Is it fine? I don't know this...
So imma thinking that part of me still belong to you... is it the right thing?
dunno.. again...
i hope some part of my "noodle" gonna stay forever in you.
so hey. nothing gonna make me cher up right now...
because i was hoping it's gonna be allright.
but if i've been missing you for whole of this time...
and if you've been for real missing me..
we shouldn't say goodbay untill we can still make us eachother simply just smile.
I'll hope there's gonna be one day
when you decide we should talk again.
breaking the ice is not so hard.
you should try.
it's gonna be fine.
at first we can scream and shout but you know me and my best friend.
we love to get back again sayin' "i'm sorry mate! </3"
because it's never too late.
you knoow that i am strooong inside and i'm just living that.. stupid messy way right now.
And now... believe me.
it is fine. it is all okay.
I'm just hoping for this one day.