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Dodano: 25 LUTEGO 2010

jak lans to lans nie xD


miły akcent na zakonczenie dnia, rozwalilo mnie to na łopatki...

przepiękne zagadnienia...

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Zagadnienia do egzaminu z gramatyki opisowej


  1. Phonetics versus phonology

  2. Articulatory, acoustic and auditory phonetics

  3. The reasons for differences between spelling and pronunciation in the English language

  4. Homophones, homographs and homonyms

  5. International phonetic alphabet, diacritics and types of transcription

  6. The notions of phoneme, phone and allophone

  7. Articulatory features of English consonants

  8. Articulatory features of English vowels

  9. Places of articulation of English consonants

  10. Manners of articulation of English consonants

  11. The voiced-voiceless, oral-nasal and central-lateral oppositions

  12. Cardinal vowels

  13. What are allophonic rules?

  14. Types of coarticulation in English

  15. Phases in the articulation of plosives, the fortis  lenis distinction

  16. Major allophonic variants of English plosives

  17. Major allophonic variants of English nasals and approximants

  18. Articulatory differences between plosives, fricatives and approximants

  19. The notions of aspiration, syllabic consonants, nasal and lateral release

  20. Allophonic processes affecting vowels in English

  21. Suprasegmental features

  22. Stress-timed versus syllable-timed languages

  23. The structure of a syllable and phonotactic constraints in English

  24. Types and functions of intonation in English

  25. Linking and intrusive /r/ in English

  26. Coalescence and elision in English

  27. Lexicography and the dictionaries of English

  28. The problems with the definition of the term word

  29. The notions of lexeme, word-form, phonological word, orthographic word and grammatical word

  30. The notions of morpheme, morph and allomorph

  31. Types of conditioning of allomorphy

  32. Inflection versus derivation

  33. Concatenative morphological processes

  34. Non-concatenative morphological processes

  35. Word-manufacturing processes

  36. The notions of suppletion, zero morph and empty morph

  37. Types of affixes

  38. Types of compounds

  39. The notions of stem, base and root

  40. Content words and function words

  41. Obligatorily bound and potentially free morphs

  42. Bound bases and portmanteau morphs

  43. The category of aspect and tense in English

  44. The category of number, gender and case in English

  45. The category of mood, person and voice in English

  46. The scope of syntactic analysis

  47. Tests for constituency


47 z 70 zagadnien ktore niestety się nie zmieściły... xD

no ale masakra... jak ja to zdam... <sciana>


nadz a zkąd ja mam wiedzieć czy mnie widziałeś !?: D
26/02/2010 14:44:44
nadz nie nigdy ; d ale to ty do mnie pierwszy napisałeś !
26/02/2010 14:04:36
nadz jejciu no ! ; d
26/02/2010 8:47:21
nadz ahahahahhahahah ; d to jest moja przyjaciołka kamila ; d
od czasu do czasu dodaje moje zdjęcia ; d ;*
26/02/2010 8:09:19
hesper Powodzenia :P
26/02/2010 0:11:05