The urgent need to write has been naggin me since the middle days of October but every single time I finally managed to some free moment to sit and scribble, something inside me was stopping me. Now I know, the fear that when I wrote it down, everyting would finally come to an end.
Now, with the start of November while I'm lying in my bed at home and the only thing that reminds me of awesomeness the last month brought me is my precious hummus I'm currently eating... I know it all has been long gone, long before I could realise it.
Eventually we stopped discussing it over again, because it became too painfull. Only left with thinking about it when we're alone, dwelling every single minute we spent having the greatest time of this year.
Then comes the conclusion. Everything seems so meaningless after what we achieved. Experience, knowledge, connections, friendship.. The sense becomes stronger, that maybe that's the right place for you. Work at music festvals, this industry in general. Even if I didn't exactly jump at the opportunity and make the best of myself over there it was a great step into something new and excited.
So today, I'm oficially cutting off my wristband. I'm physically no longer a part of 2013 Interference Crew. I feel like my wrist is so bare at the moment..
I promised to myself that next year I'm also gonna join abroad edition of the festival (2013 was in London and we have missed one another by one day, damn it). But I've just found out, it's gonna take place in Australia.. well, maybe in 2015 then?
Can't wait for next year Cracow, main edition. Another great thing to count down for.
No photos from festival, taking them was banned. So I only have a photo of this delicious sunday hummus.
The breeze of magic, Spectral Split.