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Dodano: 17 LIPCA 2009

Breathing lesson.

Wiem, że z zasady nikt nie czyta tekstów piosenek, ale ten przeczytajcie, proszę.

Bo jest ładny, a wypada się trochę ukulturalnić, prawda?


Gets inside
Through her skin.
Ive been out before
But this time its much safer in.

Last night in the sky,
Such a bright light.
My radar send me danger
But my instincts tell me to keep

(out, in, out, in, out, in...)
Breathing my mother in,
Breathing my beloved in,
Breathing her nicotine,
Breathing the fall-out in,
Out in, out in, out in, out in.

Weve lost our chance.
Were the first and the last, ooh,
After the blast.
Chips of plutonium
Are twinkling in every lung.

I love my
Beloved, ooh,
All and everywhere,
Only the fools blew it.
You and me
Knew life itself is

(out, in, out, in, out...)
Breathing my mother in,
Breathing my beloved in,
Breathing her nicotine,
Breathing the fall-out in,
Out in, out in, out in, out in,
Out in, out in, out in, out...

In point of fact it is possible to tell the
Difference between a small nuclear explosion and
A large one by a very simple method. the calling
Card of a nuclear bomb is the blinding flash that
Is far more dazzling than any light on earth--brighter
Even than the sun itself--and it is by the duration
Of this flash that we are able to determine the size
(what are we going to do without? )
Of the weapon. after the flash a fireball can be
Seen to rise, sucking up under it the debris, dust
And living things around the area of the explosion,
And as this ascends, it soon becomes recognisable
As the familiar mushroom cloud. as a demonstration
Of the flash duration test lets try and count the
Number of seconds for the flash emitted by a very
Small bomb; then a more substantial, medium-sized
Bomb; and finally, one of our very powerful,
High-yield bombs

What are we going to do without?
Ooh please!
What are we going to do without?
Let me breathe!
What are we going to do without?
Ooh, quick!
We are all going to die without!
Breathe in deep!
What are we going to die without?
Leave me something to breathe!
We are all going to die without!
Oh, leave me something to breathe!
What are we going to do without?
Oh, god, please leave us something to breathe!
We are all going to die without
Oh, life is--breathing.


rocknrollswindle Dokładnie cię rozumiem... też mi się zdarzało pójść do kościoła kiedy nie było mszy. Jak byłem mały (oj, ok 10 lat temu to było) to kościół był zawsze otwarty... o ile dobrze pamiętam zacżeli go zamykać po tym jak ktoś sprayem popisał drzwi i przedsionek.... :/
21/07/2009 21:25:53
shiyuu O tak ! Hikaru i Sho są super razem XD
21/07/2009 21:24:29
moonlilith a z czego to tkst w ogole?
21/07/2009 18:14:53
bozezaco ładnie usta się odbijają na tym zdjęciu.
Czytam teksty piosenek , eej xD
21/07/2009 18:09:59
rocknrollswindle Chyba właśnie w tym rzecz. U nas oprócz mszy, zawsze jest zamknięte, to trochę przykre.
20/07/2009 1:08:30
rocknrollswindle a cóz to za piosenka?
19/07/2009 23:14:52
reiketsukan teraz u mnie się rozpadało i nie zamierza przestać, chyba jednak wolę słońce i upał >.
19/07/2009 13:10:55
~dianess He he!!! To prawda ^^ Ale ja uwazam, ze ta mina jest slodka C:
19/07/2009 12:42:40
hayami ahh sliczne zdjecie
18/07/2009 13:20:01
gabiq Przetłumacz to na polski, to przeczytam ^^'
18/07/2009 10:43:07
~dianess ja zawsze czytam teksty piosenek ^^ A rodzice....oni mnie ciagle prosza bym dorosla wiec chyba az tak dobrze sie ze mna nie bawia XD
18/07/2009 10:02:56

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