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Dodano: 15 MARCA 2007

~~~~> :*

Siemanko :*:* FOtka jak zwykle głupia :P Taaa tyska pamietasz kiedy to było ? :D Hehe taa to bylo w drodze na urodzinki Bidzi :P:* Heee;] W Sql Było fajnie :P Ale szczegulnie bekowo było na Aerobiku :P < lol> a zwłaszcza ten tekst ,,BO ja cwicze mięśnie pośladkow ,, :D Wiadomo o kogo Chodzi :P PozdRo DLa szystkich bez wyjatku (no moze pare :P ) :*:*:*:*:*:* Nom i Dodam jeden tekscik :P Troche bedziecie musieli pokrecic myszka :P Girlfriend-Avril lavigne Hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way I think you need a new one Hey hey, you you I could be your girlfriend Hey hey, you you I know that you like that No way, no way You know it's not a secret Hey hey, you you I want to be your girlfriend You're so fine I want you mine You're so delicious I think about you all the time You're so addictive Don't you know What I can do To make you feel alright ( alright alright alright) Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious And hell yeah I'm the mother fucking princess I can tell you like me too And you know I'm right ( I'm right I'm right I'm right) She's like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about Hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend No way no way I think you need a new one Hey hey, you you I could be your girlfriend Hey hey, you you I know that you like that No way, no way You know it's not a secret Hey hey, you you I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way I see the way you look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the time Again and again ( Again again again) So come over here And tell me what I wanna hear Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear I don't wanna hear you say her name Ever again ( Ever again again again) Couse She's like so whatever And you can do so much better I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about Hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way I think you need a new one Hey hey, you you I could be your girlfriend Hey hey, you you I know that you like that No way, no way You know it's not a secret Hey hey, you you I want to be your girlfriend In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger 'Cause I can, cause I can do it better There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger 'Cause I can, cause I can do it better There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? Hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way I think you need a new one Hey hey, you you I could be your girlfriend ( No way No way) Hey hey, you you I know that you like that No way, no way You know it's not a secret Hey hey, you you I want to be your girlfriend Hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend ( No Way!) No way, no way I think you need a new one (Hey!) Hey hey, you you I could be your girlfriend ( No Way!) Hey hey, you you I know that you like me ( No Way!) No way, no way You know it's not a secret ( Hey!) Hey hey, you you I want to be your girlfriend ( No Way!) Hey Hey!


~palew super zdiatko
21/03/2007 16:39:57
marlenka1304 No ładne foto :D
A ta piosenke kojarze XD
Dzis na przerwie dalas mi posluchac :)
Nawet fyna :P
Zapraszam do mnie
15/03/2007 22:36:41
zuuzunia MoJa Kochana PioSenka
15/03/2007 19:10:45
~dosia slicznie :D:D
ah te cwiczenie posladkow :P
15/03/2007 17:31:40
maycia fajnie:)
15/03/2007 15:48:56
Użytkownik usunięty ahh tam muszą być ćwiczenia mięśni pośladków
no i oczywiście mięśnia czworogłowego uda xD
fotka jak fotka wiadomo Prześliczna! a czemu?
bo to Ty właśnie na niej jesteś :)
Buśka Śliczna!
Figurka tesh niczego sobie!
Mega Dusha BuSSSka dla CIebie
i oczywiście mega pozdrowienia
dla Emilki xD :**
15/03/2007 15:09:41
~ssylw Nawet słodko jak na ciebie ;pp
15/03/2007 14:43:30
~martynatys ;D
lol :d
paieTam :d
nie no ten tekst mnie dobił:D
pozdro kOchana ;*
kc ;*
15/03/2007 14:19:14
ollcia ladna fotka a nie glupia...:))

15/03/2007 14:10:39
~marteszka ~*~ Ślicznie ~*~

||Wbijaj do mnie ||

15/03/2007 14:05:09
angello1993 A co nie podoba sie :P

P.S. to nie Fiat 126p :P :P
przyjzyj sie dokladnie :P
15/03/2007 13:59:55
~ida1 no 2 ;] ??? a oto Emilia koło Fiata 126 p
15/03/2007 13:58:03
~przemek 2-gi yeah...zajebista fotka..kocham cie:*
15/03/2007 13:57:45
angello1993 1-sza ! :*:*
15/03/2007 13:55:08