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Dodano: 13 MARCA 2006
Siemka:) A dziś wycieszczka:) Na film:[szok]:p Znów sie naśmieje:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]No ale nie z filmu...Bo jest o papieżu Janie Pawle 2:D:[tanczy] A teraz dodaje tekst piosenki:) choć nie wiem co znaczy:[niepowiem] No ale jest:P Storming through the party like my name was El ninio When I’m handgun out drinking in the back of an El camino As a kid, I was a skid and no one knew me by name. I trashed my own house party cause no body came. I know I’m not the one you thought you knew back in high school Never going, ever showing up when we had to. Is it attention that we crave don’t tell us to behave, I’m sick of always hearing act your age. I don’t want to waste my time And become a casualty of society. I’ll never fall in line Become a victim of your conformity And back down. Because you don’t Know us at all we laugh when old people fall. But what would you expect with a conscience so small. Heavy metal and mullets it’s how we were raised. Maiden and priest were the gods that we praised I don’t want to waste my time And become a casualty of society. I’ll never fall in line Become a victim of your conformity And back down. Don’t count on me, to let you know when. Don’t count on me, I’ll do it again. Don’t count on me, it’s the point you’re missing. Don’t count on me, cause I’m not listening. I don’t want to waste my time And become a casualty of society. I’ll never fall in line Become a victim of your conformity And back down. Waste my time with them Casualty of society. Waste my time again, Victim of your conformity And back down. Długie troche:[szok] No ale jest...Acha a na foteczce jak widać:[damyrade] Busiolki for alll:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* JA nie wiem jakie są słowa tej piosenki, ale jest porostu ta piosenka super... i teledysk też:) I to jest oczywiście piosenka Sum 41:) Nio to busiolki:*:*:*:*:*Albo wiecie co troche skróce ta piosenke:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]Tylko o zwrotke:) całuski:*:*:*:*:*:*:*


Użytkownik usunięty nom chyba jesteś już po tej wycieczce=P

13/03/2006 15:50:40
~natusia Fajowska foteczka, a wlasciwie napisik :D musze kiedys posluchac "sumy 41". moze by c ciekawie!! bussssiole!!!!!
13/03/2006 14:30:28

13/03/2006 14:27:28
Użytkownik usunięty super....

zapraszam do mnie.....


13/03/2006 14:21:38
andziuleczka acha a ta piosenka nazywa sie

13/03/2006 14:20:09
~edzia a ja jestem od razu po tobie;*
13/03/2006 14:18:32
~edzia eheh kocana jestes;) od razuy mi lepiej:) buzikai pa;* aha fajna focia;*
13/03/2006 14:18:11
andziuleczka ale krzywa fotka:( No ale jestem first:) hihihihihi:)
13/03/2006 14:17:29