If I were to reincarnate after death into some animal (if this is even possible), I would be a squirrel. I think squirrels are super (cool-cute)! They're so quick, nimble, wise.. when they scurry among the foliage they almost seem capable of flight. I would choose to be a black squirrel because they'll never go out of style.. I'd eat nuts all day, run around with my friends (girlfriends), and the experience I acquired while being my former self (Ami) would make me awesome in the world of the squirrels. I'd know how and which of the two-legged (people) approach to get filberts or pistachios. I would also never run in the middle of the road , which would leave me with a higher chance of survival than the rest of the squirrels. I wouldn't have babies because, being a lesbian now, I would like to stay with this orientation in my next form ^.^ this would give me a feeling of independence and my own say in a new world. Then I would probably lick squirrel's pussy! (Yup) xD and pet their mini squirrel tits (it is a bit unfortunate because i wouldn't be able to count much on shaving, plus squirrels don't really grow large tits). No matter what happens, I think I would feel great as a squirrel living in Canada (because this is my safe place.. U know my happy ^.^ place)