Góry Świętokrzyskie trip #1, haha.
Oh well, oh well
Guess I'll see you in hell
There's a pretty little picture that's in my head
And I'm starting to dream
Changing colors while I sleep
Maybe I'm just wasting time
Sit still and listen to the soundtrack
I'll tell you how I took one straight through the heart
And it's not easy to talk about
So we all scream loud
And that was it,
I had made it clean just across the street with my new wings
So I'll just fly and hope that I remember the good times when it's done
staram się tylko nie myśleć o szkole, bo wszystko inne jest
asdfghjkl bądź względnie.
miło jest wiedzieć, że ktoś docenia Twoją pracę <3
welcome to the new deja-vu.
a no, i jak brąz+turkus?
- I miss you, I'm so sorry.
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