Z nudów postanowiłam założyc pb:D
Na foci oczywiście ja:p robiona była w autobusie w drodze powrotnej z Lichenia przez moja sis;)Myśle że wam sie podoba co(?)(?)(?)
W sql spoko....tylko jak zwykle nudy:):):(:(Mielismy apel znaczy sie minute ciszy poswiecona tragicznie zmarlej Ani[*]*[*][*]:(:(:(chyba wiecie o co kaman(?)(?)(?)
Dzisiaj ide sobie z Kaśka i Kaja do kosciola na 20 bo jest rozaniec.....lepiej byc w kosciele niz nudzic sie w domu:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]:[smiech]
Dobra nie zamulam juz:[mruga]:[mruga]:D:D
Kaśka(dzia ze pomoglas mi zalozyc pb):*
Justnka(dzia za wszystko co dla mnie robisz):*
Fifi(kiedy zaprosisz mnie na obiadek(?)):*
I dla wszystkich o których zapomnialam:*:*:*
Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
cause it seems that wrong
really loves my company
Hes more than a man
and this is more than love
the reason that this guy is blue
the clouds are rolling in
because I'm gone again
and to him I just can't be true
and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer
I feel it in the air
as I'm doing my hair
preparing for another day
A kiss up on my cheek
He's here reluctantly
as if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A liar didn't have to tell
Because we both know
where I'm about to go
and we know it very well
cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer
His trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer (a murderer)
No no no no
Yeah yeah yeah