Ja też uwielbiam nasze rozmowy po angielsku. Wtedy jest tak inaczej, jest tak śmiesznie. *:
Lubie wszystkich opieprzać i udawać, że przecież nie rozumiem polskiego..
Pozwoliłam sobie wkleić rozmowe na religi.. ten kto wie, ten wie ;*
` I love him. You know? He is my EVERYTHING. When I met him I didn't know that he will be my love. But something really strong was & is between us.. Do You know that feeling? For sure. Because love is the most important for people.. for us.
- But not everyone takes it serious, You know.. 'cause He thought we were only FRIENDS. I know about it - that love is the most important thing. It is the most important thing FOR ME. What is love? Love is, when You can DIE for your lover..
- love,love,love.. what it is? So he thought that You were only friends, so for him beeing friends is kissing, huging etc? SOMETHING WRONG WITH HIS MIND!
- It's wrong honey.. I know it. But I don't understand him. He trust me.. I think...'
will be good.
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